Music Search Update

by Ron Wirt
The music search committee, composed of Raymond Campbell, Donna Dooley, Jessica Ezzell, Ruth Nichols, Linda Prince, Brian Walker, Rev. Grace, Patty Slembarski and me, has held two meetings and agreed to request from Vestry the funding for two part-time positions to lead our music ministry: organist and music director/choir leader. We will focus our efforts first on finding an experienced organist who can continue in the best tradition of Anglican worship music while also supporting the work of our talented choir and instrumentalists. A position announcement has been posted this week on the church Website and in other channels for organists and church musicians.
We are very fortunate to have the talented team of Debbie Anderson and Adleyn Scott serving in interim roles as music director and organist. Please help us by sending us names and prospective candidates, and pray for the work of the committee.