Lent Meditation from Jennifer Fletcher

Practically from birth, my life was shaped around the core notion that I should be perfect in everything I undertook - the perfect daughter, student, teacher, mother, nurse, friend. I believed I should never make a mistake at home, at work, even at play.
A few decades ago, while working in Community Education at Columbus Regional Healthcare, I got to know a behavioral therapist whose consistent programmatic theme was “Stop SHOULDING on yourself.” WOW; what a concept!
So, I tried; I really did. Did I succeed? No; a very emphatic no. Much of my life is still affected, or I might say afflicted, by the word “should.” But, as slowly as a glacier, I am letting go of SHOULD and replacing it with WILL.
Letting go of something so deeply engrained is a yeoman’s task. But our Baptismal Covenant does not say “I should, with God’s help;” it says “I WILL, with God’s help.” During this holy season, I will not SHOULD on myself. I will earnestly aspire to let go and let God guide my path toward becoming the perfectly imperfect human I am intended to be.
- Jennifer Fletcher
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