Wednesday Word from Rev Grace: Welcome

On Trinity Sunday, we welcomed several new members of St. Thomas:
Alice and Fred Barlow, Josh Becker, Theresa and Tony Lewis, Luise May, Faye and Steve Melton, Nancy Powell, Jennifer and Taylor St. John, Katie Underwood, Elissa and Chaz Wagner, and Liz Wise.
St. Thomas is blessed that these new members have joined this community of faith. We look forward to learning and serving together!
The St. Thomas Welcome Committee was led for many years by Pam Feagle. Pam's love for God's people was evident. She organized the committee and often reached out herself to be sure each newcomer learned about St. Thomas so that they could discern whether this was where God was calling them to be. Pam recently had to step down from the committee to care for her health. We all owe Pam a huge thank you for her efforts over many years. We are so grateful that Nelia Partain and Sara Ginter offered to co-lead the committee. The Welcome Committee could use a few more members. They meet once a month, usually on a Wednesday afternoon. If you would like to serve, please let them know.
When discussing this transition in leadership, our Vestry recognized that the ministry of welcome is the work of the whole congregation, not just one committee. They talked about ways to make St. Thomas more welcoming and asked me to pass along the following suggestions:
- Wear a nametag. The church office is happy to give you as many as you like. This communicates that you want people to know you.
- Help people find a seat, especially newcomers. Either stand or move to the center of the pew so that a newcomer does not have to climb over you.
- Gently greet people prior to the service. Recognize that some people may be trying to pray and center themselves before the service begins, so try to save longer conversations for later, but do smile, offer your name, and say you are glad they are here.
- Make a point during the Peace and immediately following worship to greet people you do not know before greeting people you do know.
- Invite guests to fill out a welcome card. That allows us to follow up with information.
- If you recognize a guest, reach out to them on Sunday or during the week to thank them for worshiping with St. Thomas and to offer to talk with them about the congregation.
Blessings -