Journey Group Sign Up

Sign Up for this Spring’s Journey Groups has now begun!
Journey Groups start Sunday, February 26, the 1st Sunday in Lent. Our theme during the 5 sessions in Lent and 5 sessions in Easter will be “Exploring the Nicene Creed.” The accessibly-written book, Loving the Questions: An Exploration of the Nicene Creed,, by the late Marianne Micks (former biblical and historical theology professor at Virginia Theological Seminary), provides the framework for the series. Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase and read the book (roughly 10 pages per week, available in paperback and Kindle formats, $10 to $13 through Amazon), BUT this is not required in order to participate meaningfully in this Journey Group series.
Multiple Journey Groups (both in-person and/or on Zoom) will be offered – on Sundays, 4:00-5:00 p.m., Tuesdays 1:00-2:00 p.m., and Wednesdays, 6:30-7:15 or 7:30 p.m. (depending on which group); if there is sufficient demand, other days & times will be added. These provide an opportunity to share, to learn, to wrestle with important issues of faith, and to grow in relationships with others. For those interested in this study, but whose schedule does not allow group participation, the ‘Individual Adventurer’ option uses the same materials, but can be used at one’s own pace.
Use the signup here to let us know which Journey Group works for you!
Contact Denny for more info!
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